박희섭(Heesob Park)
What is the plural of "desen" ? According to https://ro.wiktionary.org/wiki/desen , The plural form is "desenuri" According to https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/desen#Romanian, The plural form is "desene" According to https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/desen#Roumain, The plural form is "desene" and "desenuri" What is the rule of gender and plural for loan words?
2017년 1월 29일 오전 2:26
답변 · 2
Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I have NEVER used the plural "desenuri" before nor have I seen this plural form of the word "desen" in my dictionary.( though in the online dictionary it says that desenuri is also possible !? ) I have ALWAYS used desene = whether it was a drawing or an animated tv series I have found though a research paper of loanword in Romanian which says the following: " For loanwords: The original gender of nouns is generally retained, and inanimate objects that do not have a gender in their source language usually receive ‘neuter’ gender and morphology, which implies masculine agreement in the singular and feminine agreement in the plural. Examples are gref ‘grapefruit’ from English grapefruit and pix ‘ballpoint pen’, probably borrowed via English from the brand name Bic, with the respective plural forms grefuri/grefe and pixuri requiring feminine agreement. The reanalysis of borrowed plurals ending in /-s/ as singular forms and the subsequent addition of the plural morpheme /-uri/ is commonly found,especially with loans from English, as in cips (sg.) from English (potato) chips, with the plural cipsuri. "
2017년 1월 29일
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