Refer or Refer to ? Which is correct?? Hi friends, Which is the correct sentence? (to or without "to") 1) please refer the below email. 2) please refer to the below email. Thanks & best regards Niwantha
2017년 2월 3일 오전 6:15
답변 · 6
Hi Thushal, We should use "refer to" (something) as we are drawing attention from the former to the latter. The preposition "to" expresses a direction towards the latter. Examples: I can refer your case to my superior (living thing). Please refer to your itinerary (non-living thing). If you "refer your email" the reader may wonder who you are referring your email to. Hope this helps. Cheers, Lance
2017년 2월 3일
Hello there. ^_^ It would be better to say: "Please refer to the e-mail below." However, your second sentence is correct. It needs "to". ^_^ The first sentence, "Please refer the below e-mail", sounds like the e-mail is a person, and you're going to refer it to another person.
2017년 2월 3일
'Please refer to' means the same as 'please see', where as 'please refer' without the 'to' means 'please pass on to/send on'
2017년 2월 3일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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