What is the meaning of " Big deal " ? I hear this expression in the American Movies but i can't understand it Big deal what does it mean ?
2017년 2월 17일 오전 4:36
답변 · 4
it means 'important'. It's a colloquialism. "They just made me president of the university." "Whoa, congratulations! That's a big deal!" But often it is used sarcastically -- which might be the confusing part -- in which case it MOCKS the idea of something being important. "They just made me president of the university." "Big deal. It's a lousy job. They don't pay you and no one listens to you."
2017년 2월 17일
It depends a bit on the context. It can mean important, well-known, famous, trendy...
2017년 2월 17일
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