Difference (annoyed/ angry/irritated/frustrated) How to use these words in different context 1].irritated 2]frastrated 3].annoyed 4].angry 5].dissapointed 6]. difference between happy and excited. I am happy I am so excited
2017년 4월 3일 오후 2:09
답변 · 1
1. irritated= something that you don't like is happening. Bob sang very badly, and his horrible voice irritated everyone around him. 2. frustrated=something that you want is not happening I got frustrated, because I wanted the students to understand me, but none of them understood. 3.Annoyed= like irritated, but "irritated" is a bit more likely to be used for things, and "annoyed" is a bit more likely to be used for people The hot sun irritated me, and my stupid sister annoyed me. 4. Angry=stronger than "irritated", "frustrated", or "annoyed". The other 3 can be either verbs or adjectives, but "angry" can only be an adjective (we occasionally use "anger" as a verb, but that's rare) During the car drive, my little sister poked my stomach over and over again. At first I was only irritated, but after an hour of poking I got angry and started yelling at her. 5. disappointed=You thought something would be good, but it wasn't as good as you thought it would be. I was really looking forward to that movie, but when I watched it it was worse than I expected. I was disappointed. 6. happy=smiling I ate a great dinner and watched a beautiful sunset. I was very happy. excited=thrilled When I went on the roller coaster, I was very excited We can also use "excited about" to talk about looking forward to something that hasn't happened yet I was happy to meet you yesterday, and I'm excited about meeting you tomorrow.
2017년 4월 3일
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