what dose "newlsetter" means? it is a word I have seen in an article.thanks for answering.
2008년 12월 20일 오전 7:08
답변 · 3
A "newsletter" is an informational communication that is sent to a broad audience. For example, Microsoft publishes many free newsletters that you can subscribe to by email in order to learn about its products. This type of newsletter might have product update information, tips and tricks for getting the most out of your computer, and special upgrade offers. At Christmastime, many people in America send a newsletter to their friends and family. This is often one-page, printed on paper, and then mailed to their relatives and friends. This newsletter might have updates about what the kids are doing in school, and news about what is going on in the parents' jobs, and include photos of the family. It is the same piece of information that is sent to everybody, so it is not personally addressed to you.
2008년 12월 21일
I agree with Froopy..a newsletter is distributed to a group of readers..You may usually find newsletter in most companies...
2008년 12월 24일
News that are sent to your mail. Usually by e-mail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newsletter
2008년 12월 20일
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