Difference between "subscribe with" and "subscribe to" Hello! Can someone tell me the difference between "subscribe with" and "subscribe to"? I believe you say, > Subscribe with Amazon > Subscribe to The New York Times But can it be the other way around? Like, > Subscribe to Amazon > Subscribe with The New York Times When is it followed by "with" and when is it "to"? Thank you for clicking and viewing my question. I appreciate any answers :)
2017년 5월 26일 오전 1:57
답변 · 4
"Subscribe to" is what you would say when you subscribe to a newspaper or magazine. It is the term used for that. However, Amazon has launched a platform that manages what you subscribe to. They say "subscribe with Amazon" as using Amazon to manage your subscriptions. So only ever use "subscribe to" when talking about subscriptions.
2017년 5월 26일
"Subscribe with" implies that you are subscribing to someone else through Amazon, so there's a third party. If you "subscribe to" something, whatever you're subscribing to is the only other party. With this in mind, I don't think the prepositions are valid in the second pair of sentences. ("Subscribe to Amazon" actually sounds okay to me, but only because I read it as "subscribe to Amazon Prime", which I don't think is what you mean).
2017년 5월 26일
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