Is it natural to say "I am off to home" ? Hi friends, Is it natural to say "I am off to home" ? Thanks in advance, Niwantha
2017년 6월 14일 오전 10:10
답변 · 10
Hi Niwantha, Some words naturally collocate in English, while others do not. "Off" means to depart from a certain place with a destination in mind. Example: I am going off. / I am off to school. / I am off to Europe. (The preposition "to" is required to show the meaning of direction of motion.) It sounds unnatural to write or say: I am off to home. It would be more natural to say: "I am heading home" OR simply "I am going home." Hope this helps. Cheers, Lance
2017년 6월 14일
Hello Niwantha, Your sentence is very natural, only with 'home' you don't need to use 'to'. So the perfect sentence would be 'I am off home'. Usually when we talk about going somewhere we use the preposition 'to'. For example: I'm going to school. I'm off to school. I'm going to the park. I'm off to the park. However, home is an exception and does not need to. I hope this helps. Christine
2017년 6월 14일
Not really, it would be more natural to say "I am off home" - the to is not required. Alternatives could be: "I am going home" "I am going to my home" Your example is still perfectly understandable, but quite unnatural as you say.
2017년 6월 14일
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