Guzel Kokurina
Sałatka vs surówka Hi everybody! Could you please explain to me the difference between sałatka and surówka? Both mean salad. Thanks in advance.
2017년 8월 20일 오후 6:09
답변 · 2
"Surówka" is a salad that is made only of fruits or vegetables which are not processed. You don't boil or fry them for example. "Surowy" means "raw". "Sałatka" is a salad that is made of fruits and vegetables which can be processed and contains some extra ingredients (e.g. meat, pasta, mayo). "Sałatka" can be considered as a separate dish, but "surówka" is more a side dish. Hope this helps.
2017년 8월 20일
Not exactly , sałatka might be with meat and cooked vegetables , but surówka is using mostly for name dinner salad and is made with raw or pickled vegetables .
2017년 8월 20일
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Guzel Kokurina
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