To shed some light on... I met the phrase "it shed some light on issues...". What things also can someone or something shed some light on?
2017년 9월 25일 오전 10:06
답변 · 2
You can shed light on a situation, for example. 1. A situation is confusing. 2. Someone gives you some information which helps you understand the situation better. 3. You can say that they have shed light on the situation.
2017년 9월 25일
''To shed some light on'' is an idiom that means to make something clearer, to clarify something, or to make something less confusing by adding more information. For instance when it is dark you can't see, and when there is finally someone arriving with a flashlight all of a sudden you can see where you are heading. Figuratively speaking everything is cleared up for you at that moment. Hope this helps!
2017년 9월 25일
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