It's come out OR It comes out? Hi, I just came across this phrase but in Oxford, the phrase is: it comes out that… (e.g. It came out that he'd been telling lies) while Longman uses 'it's come out that...' (e.g. It’s come out that several ministers received payments from the company.) I'm wondering if I can use both interchangeably? or which phrase is more preferred? Thank you for your help.
2017년 10월 7일 오전 4:46
답변 · 4
You can't use "it comes out" other than in reference to the future... "If it comes out..." "When it comes out..." "Later on in the story, it comes out that..." You cannot use this to talk about present or past events. "It's come out" is correct and is interchangeable with "It came out..". In this case "It's come out" sounds more formal and 'high brow'.... it is also possible that this form is more common in British English but I don't know. I would personally always say "It's come out..." because it feels like better English.
2017년 10월 7일
Thank you, Su.Ki. I've got it :)
2017년 10월 7일
It is possible to use the present simple in this context. "It comes out that...'" is similar to the present simple use in "It seems that" or "It appears that.."
2017년 10월 7일
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