help me translate なにもない 砂漠 みたいな『寂しい』生活 を していたような気がする. Can you please translate this for me? Also, I have a trouble with the words, can you note where a word ends and where the next start in this sentence for me?
2017년 10월 30일 오전 10:07
답변 · 1
なにもない = have nothing here 砂漠 = desert みたいな = (something) look like 寂しい = lonely 生活= life, but not the one related to birth and existence, it means livelihood, e.g. “ I love city life”. を= A connection word していた = (Past tense, was were +ing) ような気がする = I feel like p.s. japanese learner
2017년 10월 30일
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