" To be on the phone with someone" or "to me on the phone to someone" I get confused about two following questions. " I were on the phone with my mother" " I were on the phone to my mother" which one is correct? Or "to" and "with" can be used interchangeably in this context?
2017년 11월 19일 오전 1:15
답변 · 6
I was on the phone with my mother
2017년 11월 19일
As an AmE speaker, I would say "I was on the phone with my mother." I asked my husband (also an AmE speaker), and he said the same thing. Given SuKi's response, I am wondering if there's a BrE/AmE difference here.
2017년 11월 19일
Which one is correct? Neither! It should be "I WAS on the phone to my mother". The more natural expression is to be "on the phone to someone". This is because the phone connection ( or a phone 'wire' in earlier times) extends from you to your mother. As a native speaker, I wouldn't say that I was on the phone with a person.
2017년 11월 19일
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