Weiyang Luo
What is the opposite of "nerd"? What is the word for people who are cool and sporty in school? The opposite of a nerd. I once saw the word somewhere but couldn't remember it anymore. Thanks.
2017년 11월 26일 오후 12:42
답변 · 5
Jock. "Jock" is slang for "athlete." It was originally short for "jockey," someone who rides racehorses. Perhaps I should mention that male athletes usually wear something, politely known as an "athletic supporter," commonly known as a "jockstrap," to hold their testicles close to their body. "Jock" is not a bad word, but it does have associations with "jockstraps" and "locker-room talk" (vulgar talk in an all-male environment). "Nerd" is interesting; the word emerged in my lifetime, around the 1970s. The best guess as to its origin is that it was invented by a writer, "Dr. Seuss," in a 1950s children's book called "If I Ran the Zoo." Dr. Seuss liked to invent fabulous imaginary animals, and invent names for them, and the narrator imagines bringing back strange creatures from all over the world: "I'll bring back an It-kutch, a Preep and a Proo, A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker, too!" That's thought to be the first appearance in print, but how it acquired its present meaning is unknown.
2017년 11월 26일
Jock is what is normally used to describe anti-nerd.
2017년 11월 26일
Yeah,that's it。Thanks Wei。
2017년 11월 26일
Chad, geek (yep), jock might be candidates depending on what you are looking for.
2017년 11월 26일
2017년 11월 26일
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