Can I use canopy to discribe these things? 1.we put our racksacks and firewood under _____ . (tarp cover or tarp canopy? or something else?) http://photos.bwca.com/k/KTOIVOLA-070409-081157.JPG 2.several people are waiting out the rain under _____. (bus shelter? bus stop canopy? or something else?) http://news.images.itv.com/image/file/142019/article_6f778aa8e4354dfa_1357217996_9j-4aaqsk.jpeg
2017년 12월 17일 오후 12:59
답변 · 4
For the first sentence, canopy is great. A tarp also covers things (for example, a bale of hay), but not usually so far off the ground. And Mikkel is correct; it's rucksack. If it's carried on the back, you can also say backpack. For the second sentence, I usually hear "bus stop shelter." Canopy would be understood, but it's not common usage. Hope this helps. :-)
2017년 12월 17일
Notice, it's "rucksack" not "racksack". The best I, as a non-native speaker, can come up with is 1. We put our rucksacks and firewood under a (improvised) tarpaulin shelter. 2. Several people are waiting out the rain under a bus stop shelter.
2017년 12월 17일
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