what do you call this scarf? https://img1.etsystatic.com/060/1/7924535/il_fullxfull.681985375_rz78.jpg http://www.tfdmarket.com/cj/fgmenscarf02.jpg what do you call these two scarves? a plaid/tartan/check/checked scarf or something else? are they interchangable?
2017년 12월 26일 오전 6:09
답변 · 2
The first one would be called either Plaid or tartan are interchangeable. It is the kind of pattern worn by people in Scotland, traditionally. Check just means squares like on a chess board, but it can be only in 2 colours, for example black and white. The second scarf is a sort of chequered pattern but is not tartan.
2017년 12월 26일
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