Chino Alpha
It would have been ungracious? It would have been ungracious to hope that she would smash her head on a stone. (Game of Thrones) Is this sentence equivalent to "If one had hoped that she would smash her head on a stone, it would have been ungracious", which is a type 3 conditional? Thank you.The context goes like this: The woman warrior Brienne was escorting Jamie to the capital. They were on a skiff on a river now. But they were pursued by a ship whose captain vowed to bring Jamie back to where he had been. In order to shake the pursuer off, Brienne swam to the bluff and climbed it to the top and shoved boulders off the edge so that the rocks could hit the enemy ship. When the enemy ship was smashed and sank, Brienne threw herself off the bluff and dove into the river. In this process, Brienne might smash her head on a hidden stone in the water. Jamie was grateful to her, although he didn't like her because of her ugly appearance and the way she talked to him. That's when the author wrote "It would have been ungracious to hope that she would smash her head on a stone."
2018년 1월 11일 오전 3:37
답변 · 1
2018년 1월 11일
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