I'm agree with you or I agree with you I'm agree with you or I agree with you
2018년 4월 28일 오전 10:30
답변 · 5
"agree" is a verb, you don't need one more so "I agree/disagree"
2018년 4월 28일
You might hear "I'm agree" from learners because of a translation error. In most romance languages, the phrase is literally expressed as "I am..." In English, "agree" is a verb. "I agree with you" is correct, and "I'm agree" is simply wrong.
2018년 4월 28일
I agree with you.
2018년 4월 28일
"I agree with you" If you are in an argument with someone who will not back down, and you just want them to stop, you could say "Don't you see that we don't need to argue about this. I''m agreeing with you."
2018년 4월 29일
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