Mohamed Hafez
커뮤니티 튜터
what is the difference between "motive" and motivation"? I can sense some differences but I can't get a concrete answer.
2018년 8월 13일 오전 11:11
답변 · 3
Motive is a reason for doing something, not unlike an objective. Motivation is the force which pushes you to do something, similar to drive or enthusiasm.
2018년 8월 13일
There is only slight difference and in most cases could be used interchangeably. Motive is often used as the reason for doing a crime; but also, his (reasons for doing something) motives were pure. Motive is also a musical term, but pronounced differently. In drama or fiction we might ask "what is the character's motivation?"
2018년 8월 13일
i think "motive" the real meaning for it is "the reason for" like this sentence "what was the motive behind bombing" and 'motivation' is like the enthusiasm that u have ,,,the thing that makes u do anything because u want to do it it's like an incentive and if u want a clearer answer u can visit cambridge dictionary there u will find ur answer.
2018년 8월 13일
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