Carolina Ruby
Check mistakes in this sentences Ninh Van Village Ninh Van is recognized traditional trade villages in Ninh Binh. With the limestone karst site, stone arts and crafts development strongly contribute to socio-economic development of Ninh Van and improve people's lives. This traditional profession has created many jobs with good income for laborers. There are also 50 households with hundreds of workers. Stone processing also creates conditions for many other industries such as transportation, engineering.
2018년 9월 7일 오후 2:03
답변 · 1
This is a fine paragraph. I changed "the" to "a" in a few places. and "to the socio-economic". Otherwise, this is good. Thank you, Stephen Ninh Van is a recognized traditional trade village in Ninh Binh. With a limestone karst site, stone arts and crafts development strongly contribute to the socio-economic development of Ninh Van and improve people's lives. This traditional profession has created many jobs with good income for laborers. There are also 50 households with hundreds of workers. Stone processing also creates conditions for many other industries such as transportation, engineering.
2018년 9월 7일
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