Diego Naveda
Is this sentence correct? "nobody knows who I really am" "nobody knows who I really am" or "nobody knows who I am really"
2009년 5월 6일 오전 4:17
답변 · 9
Hi Diego Here's 5 versions. Each has a different meaning or emphasis, depending on where you place the word 'really': "nobody knows who I am, really" = to be honest, nobody knows who I am "nobody knows who I really am" = nobody knows the real person that is me "nobody really knows who I am" = nobody has a great depth of knowledge about who I am "really, noboody knows who I am" = in reality, nobody knows who I am "Really! Nobody knows who I am" = oh for goodness sake, nobody knows who I am
2009년 5월 6일
^^^Perfect explanation from Neal! There is nothing futher to add!
2009년 5월 6일
I think this is a song, it is a song of a japanese singer. "Life is like a boat" is the title, and it is one of my favorite japanese song.
2009년 5월 6일
here we are again!!!! @john the "blind melon head" and godzilla make sence in all the answer that you saying
2009년 5월 7일
well then who the hell are you?
2009년 5월 6일
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