I'd like to know how 骄傲 is used in the following examples. Hi, I'd like to know how 骄傲 is used in the following examples. "我为祖国的强大而感到骄傲。" "我为我的孩子感到骄傲。" I'm thinking, the above examples mean "I am proud of the strength of my fatherland's (motherland's)" and "I feel proud of my child". However, when I looked up the word 骄傲 in my dictionary, it says it means "to brag", "to show off", "arrogant" and "conceited"... Am I translating the sentences wrong then? Thank you.
2018년 10월 15일 오전 3:49
답변 · 6
Your translation in your examples are correct in interpreting the meaning of 骄傲. Like in English, the negative meaning "pride" is "haughty", "arrogant" etc. For example. 你/我太骄傲了 then the negative meaning is inferred. So it just depends on the situation. If the subject referred to is country, then it is positive. For all others, it is considered as negative. Even in your second case of praising one's family members... No native Chinese would express that. The language is influenced by western cultures and you tend to translate as such. For example, "husband" 老公 (old man) and "wife", "老婆" (old lady). In English they are used as terms of endearment. In Chinese, they are self-deprecating terms so as not to cause hubris. "My beautiful children/wife" is never used in traditional Chinese form of expressions. Most probably they use 犬子 (pups). Even if your child is a great doctor, the polite form to address is 我兒是个小医生 My son is a "small" doctor. You don't want to cause envy to the listener or to make the listener thinks you are bragging. Chinese are very careful about causing such misunderstandings to have afertile ground to sow enmity. Educated Chinese are humble in their expressions.
2018년 10월 15일
Your translation is correct. As 小小徐(Jessie Xu)said, 骄傲 could be both disapproving("arrogant" and "conceited", etc) and approving(proud). I also agree with Raymond Ho that as I can recall, 骄傲 used to be a very disapproving word. I wonder if its approving meaning rises up because people use it to translate 'proud'??? Using 自豪 instead of 骄傲 could make sentences sound more positive. Like, 我为祖国的强大而感到骄傲 could sound a bit imperialism for some audience but 我为祖国的强大而感到自豪 is totally good and harmless patriotism As for '"我为我的孩子感到骄傲', it could be that you are indicating that your child is 'better (smarter, stronger, cooler...) than other parents' children while ‘我为我的孩子感到自豪’ is just saying 'I am satisfied/content about who they are and what they do. s/he have met MY expectation'. At least that is how they sound to me. Both 骄, 傲 and many other (if not most ) words containing one of them are more like arrogance than proud.
2018년 10월 16일
I remember that when I was young, i.e. decades ago, 骄傲 was a pejorative term. Nowadays it is more and more used in the positive sense.
2018년 10월 15일
Hi!You're right. The two translation both are right. 1 我为我的女儿感到骄傲!I'm so proud of my daughter! 2他太骄傲了,所以到现在为止还是一事无成! 骄傲here means conceited ,arrogant.
2018년 10월 15일
你写的两个句子是常用且正确的。不同的语境会产生完全不同的意思,这取决于你是如何造句的。 These two sentences are both correct and commonly used. this word could express entirely different meanings in different contexts. it depends on how you make your sentence . 1. when you express :a person or thing that gives people a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction . eg: 我为我祖国的强大而感到骄傲。 I am proud of the strength of my fatherland's (motherland's) 尽你所能,并为自己感到骄傲 do the best that you can and be pound of yourself Armstrong 是第一个登上月球的人, 他是我们全人类的骄傲 Armstrong was the fist person to set food on the moon ,he is the pride of all manking 2. "to brag", "to show off", "arrogant" and "conceited" eg: 自从他期末考试考了满分,他变得很骄傲 he became conceited since he got full marks in the final exam 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one to go forward ,wherears concceit makes one lag behind.
2018년 10월 15일
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