Johan Macias
Need vs. do need. How could I understand the difference between those two ways? You need - You do need.
2018년 10월 15일 오후 3:48
답변 · 8
Do means "not not" A: "I need this" B: "Wrong! You don't need it." A: "No, YOU'RE wrong! I DO need it!" Some people don't need jackets in cool weather, but other people do need them.
2018년 10월 15일
Saying 'I do...(+ verb)' is just to emphasize it, like 'ok, maybe I don't... but I DO...' That's all. It's for any verb, it's not related to 'need' 'You can do the same thing with 'am' and adjectives, and so on)
2018년 10월 15일
I need = Yo necesito I do need = Yo sí necesito ("Creo que no necesitas" ... "Estás equivocado, yo sí necesito")
2018년 10월 15일
If I understand you are asking the difference between: I need to do my homework. I do need to do my homework. The first one is a more proper sounding English sentence for writing without emphasis. The second one is often spoken by natives when they want to emphasize the answer to the question "Do you need to do your homework?" is a positive answer and not "I don't need to do my homework." This often leads to funny sentences like "I do do my homework when I have time" which people will laugh at. I never see it written this way however.
2018년 10월 15일
You mean; 'What is the difference between these?'
2018년 10월 15일
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