How to read $2,500? twenty-five hundred dollars or two thousand and five hundred dollars? Which is more common?
2018년 11월 21일 오후 2:48
답변 · 5
It really depends on the person. Both are equally common. For example, a person working at a store would probably say two thousand five hundred just to be clear. But when talking among friends a person might say twenty five hundred because it's shorter. You can say whichever one you like best.
2018년 11월 21일
In the UK, we would say either 'two and a half thousand' or 'two thousand, five hundred'. The 'twenty five hundred' approach isn't really used, except sometimes for numbers between 1100 and 1900.. Eleven hundred, twelve hundred etc..
2018년 11월 21일
two and a half thousand dollars
2020년 3월 10일
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