Terecia Elshinta
Google Pinyin Input For Windows 10, anyone? 大家好, 我的電腦剛下載了Windows10,我想用Google Pinyin Input打繁體字。該軟件提供Microsoft Traditional Chinese Input,可是用起來很不方便。 我上網尋找了關於Google Pinyin Input談論及軟件,還找不著。 若大家目前在用它或者能推薦同類的以拼音為主的輸入法的軟件,我就非常感謝。 我很久了沒用注音符號了,即使能看得慣,我測不懂怎麼以注音符號打字。我現在用Google Pinyin Input的手機打字。 謝謝大家的主觀與幫助, 玲玲 Hello Chinese Learners, I'd like to ask your help and suggestion. Do you know any link to Google Pinyin Input for Windows 10? I need to download it into my notebook in order to type traditional Chinese Character by using pinyin. I've already browsed it through a lot of internet forums, I still couldn't find any clue. If you use other similar software which is compatible to Windows 10, I would be so grateful for your help. Thank you, Terecia
2019년 1월 15일 오전 6:06
답변 · 6
2019년 1월 15일
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