Would you tell me a mean of ' circle back with you'? One of my friends emailed me, but I'm not sure this expression. 'I wanted to circle back with you to give you much advices.'
2019년 1월 27일 오후 2:08
답변 · 4
"to circle back with you" means to "follow-up with" or come back to something that was previously discussed. An example would be if you and I had talked about having lunch in the future but haven't made definite plans, I could say in a couple days: "hi kotokoto, I wanted to circle back with you to see if you still wanted to have lunch tomorrow". I use this phrase more in business or professional situations when setting up meetings rather then with friends. Hope that helps!
2019년 1월 27일
Hello :) "circle back"- it is used to mean " I will contact you later, after some time has passed so that we can continue talking about this point" so: "I will circle back with you in a few days " = "I will contact you again in a few days" I suppose this friend is also not a native speaker since they made a mistake and used 'advice' incorrectly'. Advice does not have a plural form so we would say "to give you some ( or a lot of) advice." (no:t some adviceS)
2019년 1월 27일
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