Andrey Kuptsov
"We're off to never-never land" Metallica has a song titled "Enter Sandman". This are lyrics from it: Exit light Enter night Take my hand We're off to never-never land What does "We are off to never-never land" mean? And who is Sandman?Thank you, Jura! Now I understand who is sandman and what is never-never land. But what does "we are off" mean? :)Does "we are off to" mean "we are going to"? "We are going to never never land" ? :)
2009년 6월 14일 오전 5:44
답변 · 3
Did you ever wake up and have to remove some dry material that feels like a piece of sand from your eye.? The Sandman is the one who sprinkles that in your eyes in order to make you sleep. Never-Never land is a place where children never have to grow up. Search for Peter Pan on the net. We are off! is sort of like Пошли!
2009년 6월 14일
We are off to - we are departing for...we are about to leave...we are going to... Yes - well done!
2009년 6월 14일
'Enter Sandman' is a nightmarish-lullaby which is dealing with the nature of nightmares and a child's fear of entering the dreamscape and being constantly watched by an old man, the lord of the dreams and nightmares... the "sandman". 'Never Never land' refers to the land of Peter Pan, a story of a boy who didn't want to grow up. Remember Michael Jackson & his ranch? It was called Never Never Land.
2009년 6월 14일
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