She will do her homework tomorrow at 4 o'clock She will be doing her homework tomorrow at 4 o'clock Which one is correct?
2019년 2월 12일 오후 12:57
답변 · 4
Both are correct depending on context.
2019년 2월 12일
They can both mean the same but also have a slight difference. They can both mean: 'She will start her homework at 4.' That said, the first one is clearer to demonstrate that meaning. However the second one can also mean that 'she' started her homework before 4, and is still doing it at 4, and will likely carry on for some time after. Hope that helps.
2019년 2월 12일
Posted twice.
2019년 2월 12일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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