I have never been to Paris. I have never been to Paris BEFORE? I the word "before" used in Present Perfect when I want to say that I have never done something? Or it is only used with Past Perfect?
2019년 3월 22일 오후 2:48
답변 · 2
They are both correct English sentences, however I do not see them as being identical in meaning. Normally 'I have never been to Paris before' would imply that the speaker was currently in Paris, or was at least actively planning a trip to Paris. Adding 'before' implies that the past was different to now and the situation has now changed, so 'I have never been to Pairs before' I would understand as 'this is my first trip to Paris'. 'I have never been to Paris' simply means 'at no stage in life have I ever been in Paris, I am not there now and have never been in the past'
2019년 3월 22일
You can use both. But I’d ask before when ? You could add the word “now” and that would be good too.
2019년 3월 22일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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