MyHan Lam
Final vs Finale Hi guys, what is the difference between "final" and "finale"?
2019년 4월 5일 오후 3:53
답변 · 9
In sporting events (AmE), “final” can be a noun too. “Jordan can’t play in the final. He’s still injured.” “Finale” is used outside of sports. When there is a series of acts in a performance, it would be the last one, often conveying the idea that it is exceptional or the best. “The grand finale of the firework show lasted several minutes. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”
2019년 4월 5일
Final is an adjective. Finale is a noun. The final act The grand finale
2019년 4월 5일
May I add that final is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable, but in finale, the stress is on the second.
2019년 4월 6일
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