Are both sentences OK? I'm wondering if it's okay to get an advance on my salary. I was wondering if it was possible to get an advance on my salary.
2019년 5월 27일 오후 7:03
답변 · 3
Both sentences are correct, but the second one would make more sense to ask to your superior. Usually this sort of question requires a little more formal language, so the second sentence would work better.
2019년 5월 27일
Second answer is better. BUT. It's "I was wondering if it IS okay to get an advance on my salary." That's all.
2019년 5월 28일
I agree with Tom. Both sentences are correct, but the second one is much more polite.
2019년 5월 27일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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