How many months is "a few months"? I performed badly in an interview and they asked me to reapply in a few months. How many months is "a few months"?
2019년 6월 18일 오전 3:54
답변 · 3
In American English, “a few” would be between three and five. If it were only two (or perhaps three), we’d say “a couple”. “Several” would probably be about five to seven or eight. These are just approximate numbers — used when we don’t really want to give an exact figure, for some reason…. The context and the non-verbal communication are key. It may be that “a few months” is just the approximate amount of time for you to find a good job at another company….
2019년 6월 18일
Sorry to hear that as well. 'a few months' is subjective, but for me it'd be any time after 2 months. Maybe one or 2 weeks extra, say 10 weeks.
2019년 6월 18일
I'm sorry that you did not well in the interview. Difficult question, though. I'd say at least three months.
2019년 6월 18일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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