What is the things to say when dialing the wrong number? And what is to say when sending message to What is the things to say when dialing the wrong number? And what is to say when sending message to the wrong person? Is it ok to say "sorry, I have the wrong number" ?

Also, what about "knocking on the wrong door" or "Taking the wrong book of others'"?

2019년 6월 24일 오후 7:50
답변 · 4
Person calling can say "Sorry, I have the wrong number." Person that is called can say "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong number."
2019년 6월 24일
Yes, you may say, "Sorry, I have the wrong number" or "Sorry, wrong number." You could also say this in the case of a text or "Sorry, my mistake." You could add, "I thought you were someone else."
2019년 6월 24일
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