Stélio Cândido
Which is the difference between ~on & in! I would say? I’m on the Bus or I’m in the Bus? I’m on the Bad or I’m in the Bad.
2019년 7월 1일 오전 9:37
답변 · 2
The difference between on and in you would say: I'm on the bus > that is mean you're inside the bus - I'm on the bed > means that you are above the bed - I'm in the bed > meaning that you are inside the bed and you are going to sleep 💤 - i hope that you can understand it easily this way
2019년 7월 1일
prepositions are difficult for English learners, so don't feel bad. We say: "I'm ON the bus" - not "in" We don't say "I'm in the bad" - We DO say "I'm in the wrong" Good question and keep practicing prepositions... I don't even think native English speakers know why we say "on the bus" instead of "in the bus"!!!
2019년 7월 1일
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