What if I call you klutz? Will you get offended?
2019년 7월 17일 오후 1:23
답변 · 5
If you said it in an angry way I would probably be offended. If you said it in a joking way I would probably laugh and agree (if we knew each other). "klutz" is one of those words that you can use without giving offence, if you're talking to a friend.
2019년 7월 17일
It is not a nice thing to call someone, though it could be a term of affection between people who know each other well. On the other hand, there are far more offensive things you could call someone in English! I would recommend caution.
2019년 7월 17일
It's one of those words that can be offensive or not offensive depending on context. If you said it to me jokingly, as a friend, then I wouldn't mind, but if a stranger said it to me or if someone said it angrily, I would.
2019년 7월 17일
Thank you,for your reply.
2019년 7월 17일
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