can anyone help me? The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger. What does the whole sentence mean? What does "A significant role, point or figure in something is one that is important" mean? What does "A pivotal role, point or figure in something is one that is very important and affects the success of that thing." mean? ٌwhat does "Seeing the poverty in that part of the word was a very priceless experience - it made me sad and thoughtful" mean?
2019년 8월 1일 오후 6:57
답변 · 4
The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger. What does the whole sentence mean? Overwhelm = strong to the point of dominating other things deep (here) = of significant impact, effect profound = not trivial, not slight, affecting significantly, probably relating strongly to you, meaningful (to you) shock = surprise, but a strong form of surprise, an afront anger = maybe you know The last two describe what sort of response. It could have been happy, sad, mildly amusing. Instead it was shock and anger. The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger. The effect on (you) is a powerful, unsteadying, emotional response which manifests itself as a meaningful, far-reaching , shock and anger. What does "A significant role, point or figure in something is one that is important" mean? in --> is? It seems to define "significant" A role which is "significant" is one which is an important one (role) A point which is "significant" is one which is an important one (point) A figure which is "significant" is one which is an important one (figure) What does "A pivotal role, point or figure in something is one that is very important and affects the success of that thing." mean? It seems to define "pivotal" A role which is "pivotal" is a role which very important and affects the success of that thing. That thing is not defined. Whatever the role relates to., ٌwhat does "Seeing the poverty in that part of the world was a very priceless experience - it made me sad and thoughtful" mean? word --> world? The writer saw poverty in a place. They consider the experience of seeing it as priceless - probably invaluable. The effect it had on them was to made them feel sad and thoughtful. It saddened them and made them think about ... stuff/things Hope this helps.
2019년 8월 1일
"The overwhelming feeling is just deep, profound shock and anger." If your son moved to another city to go to school you would have many feelings. You would feel sad because he is leaving, but you would also feel proud because he is growing up and becoming an adult. The "overwhelming" feeling is the feeling which is the most powerful in any situation. In your sentence the most powerful feelings were shock and anger. Maybe there were some other feelings, like sadness and surprise, but you don't really notice those feelings because shock and anger "overwhelm" them. "A significant role, point or figure in something is one that is important" This sentence claims that a "significant role" is the same as an "important role". It is saying "A significant role is an important role, and a significant point is an important point, and a significant figure is an important figure". "A pivotal role, point or figure in something is one that is very important and affects the success of that thing." To "pivot" means to turn around a certain point. A ballerina "pivots" on her toes. World War 2 "pivoted" on Germany's invasion of Russia. Mussolini played a "pivotal role" in the history of Italy. This means Italian history was moving in one direction, then Mussolini appeared and that direction changed/pivoted to another direction. "Seeing the poverty in that part of the world was a very priceless experience - it made me sad and thoughtful" (note: you wrote "word" but I think you meant "world") A "priceless experience" is one that is so precious and important you cannot determine it's value in dollars. You can say you love your mother, and you love your car, but you would probably sell your car for a million dollars. You would never sell your mother! Your car has a price, you would part with it for a certain amount of money. You wouldn't sell your mother no matter how much money is offered. She is "priceless".
2019년 8월 1일
i can help
2019년 8월 1일
word--> world?
2019년 8월 1일
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