can anyone help me? Real heartbreak is unmistakable, from the intensity of the emotional pain it causes, to the totality with which it takes over our mind and even our body. What does " to the totality with which it takes over our mind and even our body" mean? Broken hearts come in many forms, but in this book I have chosen to focus on two types of heartbreak that have much in common: romantic heartbreak and the heartbreak that ensues from the loss of a cherished pet. I have done so because this experiences involve a complication that is particularly difficult for the Brokenhearted. What does "involve a complication that is particularly difficult for the Brokenhearted" mean?
2019년 8월 5일 오전 5:54
답변 · 3
Real heartbreak is unmistakable, from the intensity of the emotional pain it causes, to the totality with which it takes over our mind and even our body. What does " to the totality with which it takes over our mind and even our body" mean? It takes over totally, 100%, not leaving any part untouched. romantic heartbreak and the heartbreak that ensues from the loss of a cherished pet. I have done so because this experiences involve a complication that is particularly difficult for the Brokenhearted. What does "involve a complication that is particularly difficult for the Brokenhearted" mean? A guess: That you actually suffer a real loss, of someone or something from your life. That is things must change. You can imaging heartbreaks that dont involve any physical manifestations, such as a simple loss of a dream. Here the two chosen require things in your life to change. Regular routine is disrupted, also, usually there are many reminders, the empty pet food bowl. Just a guess. Does the book not talk about this complication, next?
2019년 8월 5일
these experiences?
2019년 8월 5일
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