Here's to swimming with bow-legged women. In an adventure game, an old bartender said "Here's to swimming with bow-legged women." as I leave the bar. What does that mean? What is its origin? I searched it up myself but I just found out that Jaws and Popeye, the old film and cartoon, used the phrase a long time ago. That's it? I'm curious. If somebody who knows about the phrase well, please explain. https://i.postimg.cc/26sxjzH5/ddsb.jpg
2019년 11월 26일 오후 7:20
답변 · 4
I've never heard the expression, but it appears to be a sexual reference, inferring that horse women can't keep their legs together. I expect that it has fallen out of favor with other sexist phrases. https://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/44/messages/488.html
2019년 11월 26일
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