How to say "What did you have for berakfast today?" in Chinese 今天 早餐 你吃什麼? (OR) 你今天 早餐 吃什麼? Which one of the above is correct and why? (grammar points or similar example sentences will be much appreciated)
2009년 8월 21일 오전 8:33
답변 · 8
2009년 8월 21일
你今天 早餐 吃什麼? it is not the same statement in your question that you provided in English. I assume that you want to ask " What do you want for breakfast today? " in Chinese. Add 要 (want) to dress up the sentence 你今天要吃什麼早餐?
2009년 8월 21일
2009년 8월 21일
你可以翻译成这样(我是根据你的英文意思用中文表达): 1、你的早餐是什么? 你的:定语 早餐:主语 是:谓语 什么:宾语 2、今天你吃了什么早餐?(好像这个比较口语化点)
2009년 8월 21일
"What did you have for berakfast today?" 你今天早上吃了什么? (what did u ve this morning) 你今天早餐吃了什么? 你今天的早餐是什么?(What was ur breakfast this morning?) 今天 早餐 你吃什麼? (OR) 你今天 早餐 吃什麼? both need to add “了”, 今天早餐你吃了什么? 你今天早餐吃了什么? “了”means that it was happened. if didn't add "了" look like asking ,what do u want to eat for breasfast this morning. HOPE THAT IT MIGHT HELP U.... :)
2009년 8월 22일
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