can I use 'costed' here? I bought a pair of shoes the a few days back. It's price was 100 dollars. Can I say the following in this case? "It costed me $100" If not, how to convey the same meaning using the word "cost"?
2020년 1월 4일 오후 12:39
답변 · 4
No, you can't say that. If you want to say how much you paid for the pair of shoes, you'd say "It (or 'They') COST me $100". 'Costed' would be incorrect in this context. The past simple of verb 'cost', in this sense, is the same as the present. If you look in a grammar book, you'll find the tenses of this verb listed as cost-cost-cost. I paid $100 for these shoes = They cost me $100. By the way, the past simple form 'costed' does exist, but this is a different meaning of the verb 'cost'. If you cost something, you do a calculation to estimate its likely cost. For example "We initially costed the project at £5000". This is more common in British English than in American English.
2020년 1월 4일
2 costs me Past .... it cost me. Costed is not any correct form of an English word.
2020년 1월 4일
The past tense of the verb cost is exactly the same as the infinitive so you could only say cost here.
2020년 1월 4일
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