What does ‘hehe’ mean in English? Is it a friendly word? Hi everybody! Is there a word called ‘hehe’ in English? I want to know the meaning of ‘hehe’. Is it the same as ‘haha’? Is it a friendly way to show that I find something is interesting? In recent years, hehe(呵呵) doesn’t show that someone is happy under some circumstances in China. So I am afraid that hehe also has some bad meaning in English.
2020년 3월 2일 오전 2:31
답변 · 8
It's the same thing as "haha" but can carry a couple of connotations: 1. sounding cute 2. an evil little laugh 3. maybe being playful
2020년 3월 2일
If you are not a native English speaker, I would stick with haha. First, because haha represents an actual and natural laugh. Second, because even native speakers do not agree what hehe means. Some say it is a giggle (a girlie laugh, like teehee); some say it is sinister, like a villain might use; others say it is sarcastic.
2020년 3월 2일
Hello, great question! I am a native English speaker and in my experience hehe is very similar to haha. Hehe is more than just laughing, but laughing sheepishly or a shy kind of laugh.
2020년 3월 2일
Thank you all! With your help, I realize that hehe has a lot of complicated meanings and it is quite different from haha. I think I will use haha in the future. Haha
2020년 3월 2일
you can use "haha" instead of "hehe", that's more commonly used.
2020년 3월 2일
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