"If anything" meaning and usage. Good day. What's the common usage of the expression "If anything"? Could it bear different meanings when in the beginning: "If anything, you just have work even harder when you dad's the boss". Or, in the middle of a sentence? "I think I'm pretty honest about my emotions most of the time; if anything, I'm too frank about them". I thank you all.
2020년 5월 4일 오후 7:39
답변 · 2
Good day, Rex. It was of great help, actually. So, if possible, let me consider your comment as the best answer, and thank you again as well.
2020년 5월 5일
Hello! Both uses have the same meaning. You could basically take the phrase to mean this, "If nothing else were true, it would still be the case that". To use your examples: "If nothing else were true, it would still be the case that you have to work even harder when your dad's the boss." and "I think I'm pretty honest about my emotions most of the time; If nothing else were true, it would still be the case that I'm too frank about them [my emotions]." Does this answer your question?
2020년 5월 4일
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