can you please check this translation for me and make it better? In English we would say.... love is lifes single greatest risk, (love is) lifes single greatest reward. Love captures your heart in a second, but will hold it eternally. The best i can manage is 爱情是生活唯一最重大的危险,爱情是生活唯一最重大的回报。 爱情只需要个片刻俘虏你的心,但会保持你的心永远。
2009년 9월 25일 오후 9:34
답변 · 7
在这个句子里,唯一 和 最 并用,我认为也是可以的。原文就是 single 和 greatest 连用的。再现了句子的原意,而且排比和反复的修辞手法突出了感情色彩,和原文的风格类似。 爱情俘虏你心于瞬间,却 拘禁//束缚//占据 它至永恒。 antman 的回答除外,我认为其他人的回答在句子的逻辑上就有些值得推敲。他们的逻辑类似于,A捕获了B,之后A在B内永存。虽然也说得过去,但是既违背了原文,也颇令人费解。如果那样,就应该说A侵入了B,之后A在B内永存会更合适,却又和原文不符了。 至于用 拘禁//束缚//占据 中的哪一个合适,我个人觉得对应于capture,用前者应该会更有诗意,突出了原句作者面对爱情伟力时的不能自己和软弱渺小。 呵呵,其实这些只不过是文字游戏罢了。看到大家仁者见仁的回答,我忍不住又写了几句。欢迎批评指正。
2009년 9월 28일
Hi Elizabeth,as to me ,i would translate it as 爱情是生活中的孤注一掷,爱情是生活中的最好回报,它片刻俘获你的心扉,却久久无法释怀...um..in my opinion,sometimes u needn't translate a sentence directly in chinese, hope u ll understand(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2009년 9월 26일
Hi, Elizabeth, I can't translate poem , lyrics. I'll only make it sound strange. So I just give up. But I do can help you correct the sentence. 爱情是生活中唯一最大的危险, 爱情是生活中唯一最伟大的回报(重大的回报 sounds strange). 爱情只需片刻就俘获你的心(when something captures your heart, 俘获 sounds better), 直到永远. (the last sentence "but will hold it eternally" I don't want to translate it in a rigid way, so 直到永远 is simple and meaningful for me.)
2009년 9월 25일
love is lifes single greatest risk, (love is) lifes single greatest reward. Love captures your heart in a second, but will hold it eternally. 爱情是人生唯一的最重大的 冒险//赌博 ,爱情也是人生唯一的最美好的回报。爱情俘虏你心于瞬间,却 拘禁//束缚 它至永恒。
2009년 9월 28일
爱情是生命中最大的风险,爱情是生命中最大的回报。爱情只消片刻便能掳走你的心,但会占据到永远。 Translation strategies: 1) I translated love into 爱情 because I think this love you're talking about is the love between opposite sexes, or in some cases the same sexes. 爱 alone has a broader meaning; it includes all kinds of love. But I think love between family members are almost never a risk; chances are it's been there when you're born. That's why I chose a term with a narrower sense here. 2) In English, superlatives don't necessarily mean singleness, and that's why in English plurality can be used, and why you have to use "single" to specify it's the one and the only in this case. However, in Mandarin, 最 has already had the idea of being exclusive, so I didn't translate the word "single", it's just unnecessary. Whenever you see something like "最......的之一",that's actually Englishized and not every Mandarin speaker is comfortable about it. 3) "只消 time 就/便 V" means "only take/need (time) to V". It's a very commonly used expression when the time used is much shorter than expected. I think it suits here like a glove and I used it. 4) I think the image of the words "capture" and "held" here is your heart being held a hostage, then 掳 would be a good option for "capture" and 监禁 or 拘留 would be a good option for "hold". I didn't use 监禁 or 拘留 for "hold" because they convey a negative sense, as if the one held is in prison. I think they are too strong words to use here so I went for a softer version 占据, which can mean "to occupy" or "to take possession of".
2009년 9월 27일
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