Are these pronounced the same? Boss's car and boss' car Are both pronounced the same even though boss' car doesn't have another 's'? Boss's car = bossiz car Boss' car = bossiz car?
2020년 6월 11일 오전 2:00
답변 · 2
The short answer is yes, they are pronounced the same. But "Boss' car" is not the correct use of the apostrophe. To show possession in the singular, you add apostrophe + s. So your first example is correct: "my boss's car." To show possession in the plural when a word ends with s, you add the apostrophe at the end. But the plural of "boss" is "bosses," so it would be "the bosses' car." "Boss's car" and "bosses' car" sound exactly the same.
2020년 6월 11일
Boss' car is wrong. The possessive form of the singular noun boss is written boss's. The plural of boss is bosses. The possessive form of bosses is written bosses'. The words boss's, bosses, and bosses' have the same pronunciation, which you have written as "bossiz".
2020년 6월 11일
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