"夜"と "晩"はどう違いますか?
2020년 6월 17일 오전 7:46
답변 · 4
夜:when it is dark. 晩:when at night and people are awake. At 8. p.m when the family has dinner, it is 晩, also 夜. At 3 A.M when people are asleep, it is 夜 but not 晩.
2020년 6월 18일
I think they are almost same. We often say "今夜" and "今晩", and both mean "tonight". We also say 夜ごはん( pronounced よるごはん) and 晩ごはん. I don't know the differences between them. I guess that 晩 is older Japanese than 夜, and it sounds more formal.
2020년 6월 18일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!