Can I say I’m good cooker (meaning I’m good at cooking) It’s also not correct to say I’m good in cooking right?
2020년 7월 19일 오전 9:40
답변 · 8
"Cooker" is not a word. You can say "good cook". You cannot say "good in cooking". You could also use the word "talent" which is a word used to describe something we are good at. I am good at cooking. I am a good cook. Cooking is a talent of mine. I am talented at cooking. EDIT: "Cooker" is not a word used to describe a person, it is an appliance.
2020년 7월 19일
US: A "good cooker" is a pot or appliance that heats up food well. You are "a good cook" or "good at cooking."
2020년 7월 19일
Something to be aware of ... 'I'm a good cooker' may not be correct, but it is still very commonly used in informal conversation in my part of the English speaking world. I'd advise sticking to 'I'm a good cook' and only use the imformal or slang form if you hear other locals using it and you want to adopt their manner of speaking.
2020년 7월 19일
No. You need a determiner, ‘cause people would not know that are you a person, or 2 people.
2020년 7월 19일
You can say "I'm a good cook." Correct, "good in cooking" is not idiomatic.
2020년 7월 19일
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