What's the difference between 气氛 and 环境? Does 气氛 primarily refer to the feeling in the air and 环境 refers more the physical surroundings?
2009년 12월 6일 오전 10:28
답변 · 3
气氛is little like an atmosphere; a mood; a flavour; an ambience , After the revolution, the climate of the country remained tense. 革命以后,那个国家的气氛依然紧张 环境is environment, conditions or circumstances For example: 国际环境日 World Environment Day (WED) 恶劣环境 adverse circumstances
2009년 12월 6일
you are right 气氛 氛围 = atmosphere feeling in the mind that is created by a group of people or a place 环境 = environment, circumstance the natural feature or condition in which people, animals and plants live
2009년 12월 7일
气氛主要形容人的心态,比如:晚会的气氛很热烈; 环境可以指人生活的周围的事物:天气、污染、等
2009년 12월 6일
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