Tips and tricks? I'm having trouble remembering romaji. Could anybody help me?
2010년 2월 14일 오후 9:18
답변 · 2
E? Nani? Romaij is the easy part! :) Romaji is what you already know. Then cometh the nightmare called 'Kanji'. There's no trick to memorizing Romaji: it's just letters; you have to learn the words like any other vocab you drilled in your life. At least with Kanji you get to make some visual associations. Basically, for people who start out with Japanese, and use a roman alphabet as basis,Romaji are almost a must, at start; otherwise you get completely overwhelmed! I'm a good two monts in my studies now, and just learnt hiragana. Soon I will add katakana to that; and then on to the ever dreaded Kanji.I hope to leave Romaji behind me, though, as soon as is humanly possible. So, likewise, I suggest you invest not too much time in finding clever ways to memorize Romaji; for one, because they're really aren't any. :)
2010년 2월 14일
I used this method to learn 150-300 portugues words per day. Look at 5 words. Look at 5 more while your mind is chewing on the last 5. Then review the first five while your mind is chewing on the second 5. The ones that you didn't know seperate from the ones you do and then go over them after you have reviewed the second 5. The groups get larger as the number of groups increases in quanitity. The more automatically you can recall the translation for the word, the less that you need to look at it (once you get into hundreds of words, they should be sorted according to this level confidence) The trick is to look at words in rhythm with your subconsciousness' ability to organize them into your memory. You want to exercise the part of your brain that recalls them. So every 5 minutes for new words.. then every 10 minutes after you got them in your head pretty good. Then every 15 minutes. Then every 30. Later on you will only need to review the words every week or so.
2010년 2월 15일
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