How much does a wedding cost in your place? just wondering, how much does it cost for a wedding in different countries and places... lemme know if you know some about it...^_^ thnx you guys ~
2010년 3월 3일 오전 4:02
답변 · 6
is a rubbish too much expensive
2010년 3월 3일
Well if you just go somewhere and get married maybe a few hundred dollars. Then some rich people here will spend millions of dollars on a wedding. According to some stats I found online, the average here is $20,398. But fdmaxey has the best answer.....too much
2010년 3월 3일
Hi, it costs what ou can afford. Some people have a simple ceremony n a garden or on the beach with a marriage celebrant, then go to someone's house where every guest brings a plate of food. Other spend 1000's of dollars.
2010년 3월 3일
here if you got 20,000 pesos it's for simple wedding, cowboy...
2010년 3월 3일
Hi... It is really difficult to give you a price.... depending what sort of wedding do you want....
2010년 3월 3일
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