Look at this What happens when he's your prince charming, but you're not his cinderella?
2010년 3월 3일 오후 1:02
답변 · 21
Im not his cinderella? ha:) This is imposıble.Really ıf he ıs my prince,absolutely ım hıs cinderella.Because soon or later he is goıng to be mine.
2010년 3월 3일
So, it is time to leave the fairy-tale and look for a real man :)
2010년 3월 4일
I'd prefer go with the toad
2010년 3월 3일
Each Cinderella has prince, also as well as each prince has Cinderella. And they can search each other for all life. Can be simple nearby... Without understanding that they are created for each other... Very important to find in this world of that who to you it is intended... To live happy and long life together.....
2010년 3월 3일
i chose leave him and find the man which i am his cinderella
2010년 3월 9일
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