PORTUGUES!!hello everyone...i want to know the differences between "trocar"and"mudar"when it means change~
2010년 4월 8일 오후 3:05
답변 · 5
Well "trocar" in most contexts means "to switch" for example, you have a tyre and you want to switch to another one, to replace it. - "Vou trocar os pneus". "Mudar" is more is more "to change" like if you have something in your personality you want to change, or to change an attitude. -Vou mudar de atitude em relação a isto. But in most contexts it can be used to say the same thing.
2010년 4월 8일
TROCAR - To exchange (greetings/money/ideas/letters/seats...)to truck/ to permute/to confound/to equivocate/to barter... MUDAR - To change(times change/to change one's clothes/to change trains/to change colour/to change one's tune/to change one's mind,to change the subject)) To move house/to remove furniture from one house to another/...
2010년 4월 9일
In a simple and practical way for learning Portuguese: Mudar & Trocar = To Change / To Switch Mudar = To Move Out Trocar = To Exchange Detailed explanation and examples can found in this blog:
2015년 7월 2일
Hello, there! "Trocar" is like to exchange. You can exchange (trocar) objects. "Trocar" is always for objects (in the Grammar, Formal). But in Informal you can use it like change. For example: Nós precisamos trocar o telefone (Formal). (We need to exchang the telephone). The telephone, the apparatus. But we can use it like informal (slang). For example: Vamos trocar uma ideia. (Slang/Informal). It means "let's talk". The meaning doesn't seem with "trocar" or "exchange". "Mudar" is like change. In portuguese "mudar" is used in several situations. But its meaning is more next of modification/modify. For example: Nós precisamos mudar o telefone. (We need to change the telephone). In Portuguese, this seem that the telephone has proper life. Then, "mudar" is used for ideas, transformation. "Mudar" is used when you need change your life (mudar sua vida), or change the world (mudar o mundo). There are other meanings for "mudar" and "trocar", but in this moment it's better to know only this. In Portuguese, the secret of the verbs are in the "Accusative and Dative Cases". I hope you understand.
2010년 4월 11일
It depends on the context. Most of times they have the same meaning.
2010년 4월 8일
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